Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Inspirations and Complications

The Vitra Design Museum is a building of very complicated geometric formation and structure. It is comprised of many different components, each modifications upon a conventional three dimensional primitive, with each component integrated into the structure with sweeping curvilinear forms and a fluid overall form. The streamlined elements of the roof structure, ramped stair and the rounded corners were much like the hull of watercraft.

The two angled structures of the overhang and triangular tower are similar to the bow and prow of a ship, and the line between the two cuts the structure in half nicely. While it lacks elements of symmetry, the shape and structure of a hull can be easily transposed such a line, and with some modification the structure itself can be further transformed.

The shape of a battleship features prominent tower structures for the bridge, gunmounts and control towers. The Vitra has several of these structures rising from the roof, notably the cross window, which can easily be seen as a battleship command bridge without too much imagination.

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