Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Menagerie

Bananarama is a simple minded beast with limited intelligence. Its marked inability to comprehend its surrounding leave it with a permanently puzzled expression, and although it is a predatory animal, it is more often prey. Despite possessing mental weaknesses, Banarama is nimble with excellent bipedal control and near boundless endurance. It is not uncommon to find them dancing if they have nothing else to do.
Frillz is reptillian, but due to its natural camouflage it cannot draw sufficient heat from sunlight. Instead, Frillz eats chilli's and peppers to keep warm, and ferments organic matter to fuel his unusually high metabolism. As a herbivore, it is often preyed upon by larger creatures, however it survives thanks to its camouflage and surprising bursts of speed. Frillz is most commonly found in farms or plantations, but has been known to venture into suburban gardens as well.
Grassassin is a carnivorous plant that blends in perfectly with its grassy habitat and usually hunts together in predatory packs. The plant can sustani itself for long periods of time by drawing nutrients from the ground or photosynthesis, however it prefers trapping prey and using the organic material as fertiliser. Different subspecies have adapted to various climates, and can be found in many areas where grass or shrubbery is abundant.
Despite the physical appearance of a fruit, Pearson is actually a vegetable, a rather agressive vegetable at that. Omnivorous and ill tempered, Pearson is openly hostile upon even the slightest provocation, and its strong jaws are capable of crushing bones. Largely sedentary in lifestyle, Pearson will usually inhabit a nest or live in a small area, waiting for prey to approach.
A curious animal that consists of an arrangement of sturdy carapace plates that funnel material into its maw to be digested. Seat-o's digestive system is capable of breaking down even the toughest of inorganic matter, giving it excellent survivability in almost any environment. Fast, intelligent and cunning, Seat-o will often lie in wait for its unsuspecting victims, or simply position itself inconspicuously and graze on anything within reach.
A genetic mystery that has appears to be half slug, half snail and half mountain goat. Yes, that is three halves, and yes it totally makes sense. Snug is a very stupid creature, possibly due such a confused origin, and has been known to headbutt obstacles repeatedly rather than manouvre. Feeding mainly upon organic residue left upon surfaces, Snug is a scavenger at heart, and will eat anything it can drag its face to.
A furry round creature with an apparrent case of bipolar, switching rapidly between sides and rocketing back and forth between decisions. This creature uses suction to draw water from any organic sources it can find, and inhabits moisture rich environments. With limited defences, Tennisby relies on its superior senses for survival, rolling away from  harm before it was even detected.

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